Quality standards (ISO9001)
Quality policy
[Basic Principles]
Customer satisfaction is considered as first principle, always grasp accurately the customer needs and social needs. By continue providing to the customer the stable product quality to improve the customer satisfaction.
[Basic policy]
- Always listen to the voices of our customers and respond to their trust in order to improve customer satisfaction.
- To meet the expectations of our customers, we strive to have high technology and a spirit of service throughout the company.
- In order to maintain and enhance customer satisfaction, we will thoroughly implement a quality management system and carry out continuous improvement activities.
- Strive to ensure that our quality policy is understood and implemented by everyone in the company.
- Comply with applicable laws and regulations in order to fulfill our social responsibilities.
[Quality policies]
- Company-wide action guidelines for QMS establishment“To penetrate the quality awareness to all employees, and raise the level of the QMS activities “
- Company-wide goals and guidelines for quality improvement“Our deal of products, in services and business activities, we aim to improve quality, and strive to customer satisfaction improved.”
- Elemental Guidelines for QMS strengthening“In order to prolong the effectiveness and appropriateness of the quality management system operation, and periodically review, perform continuous improvement.”
Dec. 17, 2021
Representative Director Kazuaki Den
ISO9001 certification registration